You must have a high school diploma or High School Equivalency (HSE) Certificate to be admitted to Boone Career & Technical Center. West Virginia law requires all adults to have on file a copy of their diploma or high school transcript showing proof of graduation. A HSE Certificate will meet this requirement. Prospective students must present proof of high school graduation or HSE certification at the time of enrollment. Many federal and state financial aid programs require a diploma or HSE Certificate prior to being approved for financial aid. (Please see the Financial Aid Administrator for additional information regarding financial aid qualifications.)
Boone Career & Technical Center policies require you to present a copy of your diploma or HSE record by the first day of class. You may present it in person or mail it to the school at the following address:
Cynthia Foster, Adult Enrollment Coordinator
Boone Career & Technical Center
3505 Daniel Boone Parkway Suite B
Foster, WV 25081

If you do not present a copy of your diploma or HSE record by the first day of school, the administration reserves the right to delay your start until you present the required records. State regulations forbid us from issuing a vocational certificate to you if you do not have a diploma or HSE record on file.